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Tata Power to Form Partnership for Developing 600 MW Hydropower Project in Bhutan

Last Updated on 07th August 2024

Tata Power and Druk Green Power Corporation formed a joint venture to develop the 600 MW Khorlochhu Hydropower Project in Bhutan. Additionally, the governments of India and Bhutan are collaborating on this hydropower project.


Tata Power to Form Partnerships for Developing 600 MW Hydropower Project in Bhutan


Khorlochhu Hydro Power Ltd will also sign long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with Tata Power Trading Corporation Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Power Company Ltd, for exporting the summer surplus power to the Indian market and with Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd (a subsidiary of Druk Holding & Investments Ltd) for the domestic sale of power in the winter months.


Find More Details About Khorlochhu Hydropower Project See More


In addition, Tata Power has formed a joint venture with Power Grid Corporation of India Limited to build a 1,200-kilometer Tala transmission line that will bring electricity from Bhutan to Delhi.


Background of the Agreement

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director of Tata Power, Dr Praveer Sinha, and Managing Director of DGPC, Dasho Chhewang Rinzin, finalised the Definitive Agreement for the project in Mumbai, India, on July 29, 2024


With support from the governments of Bhutan and India, all statutory approvals are in place for construction works to commence immediately. This collaboration builds on the existing partnership between the DGPC and Tata Power at the 126 MW Dagachhu Hydropower Plant in Bhutan.


Hydropower Projects in Bhutan

The 600 MW run-of-river project is located on the lower course of the Kholongchhu River in eastern Bhutan’s Trashiyangtse district. It is expected to be completed in the second half of 2025. India has constructed three hydroelectric projects in Bhutan totaling 1416 MW (336 MW Chukha hydroelectric project and 60 MW Kurichhu), operational and export surplus power to India.


India has completed the 720 MW Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Power Project. Other ongoing projects include the 1200 MW Punatsangchhu-1 and 1020 MW Punatsangchhu-2.


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