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AES: Stands for Advanced Energy Storage. AES refers to capturing the required energy and storing it to be used later when needed. For example, electri..
AGM: Stands for Absorbent Glass Mat. AGM battery uses a separator made of glass microfibers that absorb and retain the electrolyte without spilling fr..
AHI: Stands for Aqueous Hybrid Ion. An AHI battery uses an aqueous electrolyte (salt water-based electrolyte), an activated carbon anode, manganese ox..
Allotrope: A physical form of existence for an element. For example, charcoal, diamond, and graphite are allotropes of carbon.
AMPED: Stands for Advanced Management and Protection of Energy Storage Devices. The US ARPA?s (Advanced Research Projects Agency) AMPED program is red..
Antimony: Antimony is used in lead-acid batteries to improve the mechanical strength of lead plates and enhance performance. Other uses of antimony in..
AORFB: Stands for Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battery. An AORFB battery stores energy in redox-active organic compounds dissolved in non-corrosive and ..
Aqueous batteries: Aqueous batteries (ABs) are batteries with water-based electrolytes. For example, an aqueous lithium-ion battery uses a concentrate..
ASoC: Stands for Absolute State-of-Charge. ASoC refers to the ability of a new battery to take specified charge.
ASoH: Stands for Absolute State-of-Health. ASoH refers to the ability of a new battery to store specified energy.
Battery charger: A device that runs an electric current through a battery to store energy. The charging protocol depends on the size and type of the b..
Battery chemistry: The battery chemistry reflects the voltage and performance characteristics. Batteries are categorized based on the specific chemist..