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Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Submits Offshore Consent Application

Last Updated on 24th June 2024

A joint venture between Ørsted, Simply Blue Group and Subsea7 has submitted an offshore consent application for its proposed 100 MW Salamandar floating offshore wind farm. The project is located 35 kilometers off the coast of Peterhead, Scotland. The floating offshore wind project was a successful innovation bidder in Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round. 


Salamander Offshore Wind Farm Submits Offshore Consent Application


However, the offshore consent application is subject to the approval of Scottish ministers. The consent will grant permission for the offshore elements of the project, which aims to be a stepping-stone in the UK’s journey to net zero.


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Crucially, Salamander will give the Scottish floating wind supply chain a major early capability development opportunity, supporting its scale-up ahead of the pipeline of projects leased under the ScotWind and INTOG seabed leasing rounds.


The INTOG round awarded exclusivity agreements to two types of projects: small scale innovation projects of less than 100 MW and larger projects aiming to decarbonise oil and gas infrastructure. Salamander won an exclusivity agreement under the innovation category.


In addition to this project, Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Phase 1 and Phase 2 have recently been deployed, bringing the combined capacity of floating offshore wind in Scotland to 80 MW.


Hugh Yendole, Project Director for Salamander, said, “We have submitted a high-quality, thorough consent application and we’re committed to continuing to work with the necessary stakeholders throughout the approval process.”


Salamander Offshore Wind Project and Overview

The 100 MW Salamander floating wind project, located 35 km off Peterhead on the East Coast of Scotland, is designed to provide the Scottish supply chain with an early capacity development opportunity, enabling it to play a much greater role in subsequent large-scale floating offshore wind buildouts. 


The project will deploy innovative and cutting-edge floating offshore wind technologies to support the cost reduction and learning journey needed for the commercial deployment of floating offshore wind.


In May 2023, Salamander signed an exclusivity agreement as part of Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round.


The 100 MW project will contribute to the delivery of the Scottish Government’s target of 11 GW of offshore wind by 2030 and the 5 GW of operational floating offshore wind projects in the UK by the same date.


Entities Involved in the Project

The partnership is comprised of Ørsted, the world leader in offshore wind and Simply Blue Group, a leading Irish blue economy developer in floating offshore wind, wave energy and low-impact aquaculture. Subsea7 is also a minority partner in the project.


Read: First Wind Turbine Installed at Baltic Eagle Offshore Wind Farm

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