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EnBW Starts the Construction of Germany’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea

Last Updated on 24th June 2024

EnBW started the construction of a 960 MW He Dreiht offshore wind farm. The project is set to become one of the largest offshore wind farms in Germany. The He Dreiht offshore wind farm will consist of 64 wind turbines with a capacity to generate enough electricity to power 1.1 million households.


EnBW Starts the Construction of Germany’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea

Transport of the transition pieces for the He Dreiht offshore wind farm: Source EnBW 


The project's total investment is estimated to be around  USD 2.6 billion. Furthermore, the project is unique as it will be built without state funding. The project is expected to be operational by the end of 2025.


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EnBW CEO Georg Stamatelopoulos stated that EnBW aims to invest USD 43 billion in renewable energy projects worldwide. The He Dreiht offshore wind farm will play a significant role in helping EnBW achieve its aim of becoming a climate-neutral company by 2035.


Details About the Installation

The Thialf, one of the world’s largest floating cranes, will install the first foundations on the seabed in the next few days. A monopile—a 70-meter-long steel foundation 9.2 meters in diameter and weighing around 1,350 metric tons—will be used, upon which a transition piece will be placed, which serves as a connecting element between the tower of the wind turbine and the monopile.


The monopiles and transition pieces had previously been loaded onto floating platforms in Eemshaven in the Netherlands and towed to the construction site by tugboats. Work on installing all of the foundations will continue into the summer. 


The wind turbines and cables are being manufactured at the same time. These will be installed and laid in early 2025. The latest generation of wind turbines from Vestas will be used. One rotation of a 15-megawatt turbine rotor is enough to supply four households with daily electricity.


Project Location



The He Dreiht offshore wind farm is being built roughly 85 kilometers northwest of Borkum and about 110 kilometers west of Helgoland. Over 60 ships are involved in the construction of the wind farm. EnBW’s offshore office in Hamburg is coordinating the major project.


Project Objectives 

The project represents a significant step towards a carbon-free energy future. A combination of factors, including installing the latest wind turbine technology, synergies with existing sites, and long-term power purchase agreements with industrial customers, made the zero-cent bid possible. This subsidy-free offshore wind farm is currently one of the largest renewable power projects in Europe.


About EnBw

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, commonly known as EnBW, is a publicly traded energy company based in Karlsruhe, Germany. With over a century of experience, EnBW is more than just an energy supplier.


It supplies millions of customers with electricity, gas, and water. EnBW takes a holistic approach to the energy transition from power generation to fast-charging stations. It builds smart electricity grids, develops CO₂-free energy sources, and propels e-mobility. The company is consistently working to transform the energy supply in Germany and Europe.

EnBW is investing heavily in the expansion of renewable energies as well as transport and distribution grids. It supports local authorities in implementing their sustainability agendas. The company has set an ambitious target: EnBW aims to become climate-neutral by 2035.


EnBW is active in Germany and selected renewable energy markets in Europe. It promotes innovative solutions for energy and infrastructure through research, development and innovation management.


EnBW’s offshore wind power portfolio in Germany

EnBW has been planning, building, and operating offshore wind farms in Germany and Europe for around 15 years. EnBW operates the EnBW Baltic 1 and Baltic 2 offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. Besides He Dreiht, EnBW’s existing offshore wind farms, Hohe See and Albatros, are in the North Sea. In addition, EnBW and BP are developing three wind farms in the UK.


Read: Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm in France is Now Fully Operational

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