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Seatrium Consortium Secures Massive Offshore HVDC Contract

Last Updated on 24th June 2024

Seatrium and GE Vernova's joint venture wins the third contract for TenneT's 2 GW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electric offshore transmission system in the Netherlands. The agreement is valued at around USD 2 billion. Additionally, work will start in June 2024, with commissioning anticipated for 2031.


Seatrium Consortium Secures Massive Offshore HVDC Contract


The HVDC transmission system will serve the Nederwiek 2 offshore wind farm. The wind farm is located approximately 95 kilometers off the coast of the Netherlands. The HVDC system will support TenneT's sustainability goal of connecting 40 GW of offshore wind energy in the German and Dutch North Sea.


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Additionally, the contract is a part of the five-year Framework Cooperation Agreement with TenneT that the Seatrium-GE Vernova consortium announced in March 2023. Mr Samuel Wong, Executive Vice President of fixed Platforms at Seatrium, said, “This project underscores our commitment to helping our customers achieve their renewable energy goals by providing innovative and cost-effective solutions that help accelerate the energy transition.”


Scope of Work

Seatrium consortium’s scope of work will include the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) of the 2 GW HVDC Offshore Converter Platform. GE Vernova's Grid Solutions will be responsible for the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPCI) of the HVDC converter stations.


Previous Contracts

The previous two contracts, part of a five-year framework cooperation agreement with TenneT announced on March 30, 2023, are for the projects IJmuiden Ver Beta and IJmuiden Ver Gamma. Each project within this agreement is valued at approximately USD 2 billion.


About IJmuiden Ver Beta and Gamma

IJmuiden Ver Beta and Gamma are part of the IJmuiden Ver Wind Farm Zone, which is 62 kilometers off the west coast of the Netherlands. The IJmuiden Ver Wind Farm Zone will consist of three sites: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, each with a capacity of 2 Gigawatts, contributing 6 GW of power to the Dutch electricity grid.


The permits for the construction of wind farms at IJmuiden Ver Alpha and Beta were available for application until March 28, 2024, and the results of the permits are planned to be announced on June 11, 2024. The project is crucial to developing 21 GW of offshore wind projects in the Netherlands by around 2030.


About TenneT

TenneT is a leading European electricity transmission system operator (TSO) with a key role in the HVDC transmission market. TenneT designs, builds, maintains, and operates over 25,000 kilometers of the high-voltage electricity grid in the Netherlands and large parts of Germany and facilitates the European energy market through our 17 interconnectors to neighboring countries. The company is the largest investor in national and international onshore and offshore electricity grids, with a turnover of USD 9.89 billion and a total asset value of USD 48 billion.


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