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Russia Discovers Vast Oil and Gas Reserves in British Antarctic Territory

Last Updated on 24th June 2024

Russia has discovered vast oil and gas reserves in the British Antarctic Territory. The reserves are estimated to be around 511 billion barrels of oil, which is about ten times larger than the North Sea's entire output over the last 50 years. According to the Telegraph, the evidence was given to the Commons Environment Audit Committee (EAC) last week.


Russia Discovers Vast Oil and Gas Reserves in British Antarctic Territory


The largest geological research company in Russia, Rosgeo, operated research ships in Russia, one of which was the Alexander Karpinsky vessel to Moscow. This discovery has raised concerns among environmentalists and politicians alike. The 1959 Antarctic Treaty forbids all oil and gas projects in the region, protecting the Antarctic. However, the vast reserves found could potentially lead to drilling in this pristine region, disrupting its delicate ecological balance.


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The UK's interests in the region are overseen by the Foreign Office, which has been accused of ignoring the emerging crisis. Junior Minister David Rutley told the EAC that his department had decided to trust Russian assurances that it was just conducting scientific research. He added that Russia had recently reaffirmed its commitment to the key elements of the treaty. However, experts in the region disagree with this assessment.


According to the Telegraph, Klaus Dodds, a professor of geopolitics at Royal Holloway College and an authority on Antarctica, advised against placing any faith in Russia's ability to uphold its commitments. He argued that Russia's activities were far closer to prospecting for oil and gas than to genuine science.


What are the Key Geopolitical Impacts of this discovery?

The discovery of vast oil and gas reserves by Russia in the British Antarctic Territory has the potential to significantly alter the geopolitical landscape. Here are some key areas of impact:


International Relations

The discovery could strain Russia's relations with the UK, Argentina, and Chile, who have competing claims over the British Antarctic Territory. It could also lead to tensions with other signatories of the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits any oil and gas projects in the region.


Energy Politics

The reserves could bolster Russia's position as a leading global energy supplier. This could give Russia increased leverage in international negotiations and potentially influence global energy prices.


Environmental Diplomacy

The potential for drilling in the Antarctic could lead to conflicts between nations prioritizing economic growth and those advocating for environmental protection. This could influence international environmental policies and agreements.


Legal Implications

The discovery could lead to challenges to the Antarctic Treaty. Nations might push for amendments to the treaty to allow for resource extraction, leading to legal debates at international forums.


Rosgeo: An Overview

Rosgeo, also known as JSC "Rosgeologia,"  is the largest geological holding in the Russian Federation. The company performs all types of geological prospecting and upstream exploration activities, from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsurface conditions.


It possesses unique competence in the area of offshore geological and on-shore operations. Some of the projects executed by Rosgeo have resulted in an improvement in efficiency in the reproduction of the mineral and raw material bases of the Russian Federation. Rosgeo plays an instrumental role in implementing upstream projects for Russia.


Rosgeo's work spans across different climatic zones all over the world, and the company has experience in international projects for over 50 years. Rosgeo's activities are coordinated with the plans for infrastructure development in the target regions outlined in the regional and federal programs of socio-economic development of these territories. The company offers an integrated package of services for reproduction of the resource base at all stages. Some of the key projects include: 

Development of Solid Commercial Minerals Resource Base in Ahaggar and South-West of Algeria

This project involved the selection of promising areas and sites for target surveys and the assessment of mineral resources specified in the contract, including gold, nickel, cobalt, platinum, chromium, rare metals, rare earth elements, diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones, copper, iron, and manganese.

Clarification of the Geological Model of the Aral Sea Water Area and Adjacent Territory

This project was the first stage of the state program of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the geological study of the Aral Sea and the surrounding area.


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